GOL BLOG | Game of Love

Game of Love

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12 Adult Playdates...

How playful are you with your partner?  When is the last time you let your hair down and really played?  
I've rounded up some awesome dates... PlayDates... that will be perfect for Summer 2015! 


Why My Husband Does the Laundry

Hi! My name is Monica and I'm a wife & mom to 4 kids, but I don't do laundry or dishes
Take a minute to let that sink in, because I know it might seem a bit shocking. 
All settled?  Okay, well, get ready for another blow... My husband does them!!  
Let me tell you why... and why maybe yours should too...


5 Bridal Shower Gift Ideas

Many of us are guilty of purchasing the typical bridal shower gift that was listed on the bride and groom's registry; the wine glass set, cookware, picture frames, etc. But this year it's your best friend, your sister, cousin, or college roomie getting married and you need fun & creative bridal shower gift ideas that no one else has thought of because this bride is someone special. Don't worry, we've got your back and 5 Creative Bridal Shower Gift Ideas that will really set your gift apart from the rest...


Free tips & Creative Ideas from the GOL Team!

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